Monday, August 16, 2010

School, ballet, soccer, and meds

There are only a couple weeks left before school starts. This year I will have a 4th grader and one in kinder. I have no idea what the baby and I are going to do all day with out them (except for some lovely uninterrupted afternoon nap time, although the baby has not had a nap in two days now...). I'm sure we'll figure something out it will just take some getting used to.

And then there's the whole parent volunteering situation. I'm going to Middle Girlie's Kinder teacher that I can volunteer to send thing in (like chips or cookies, candy, decorations) but I can't make firm time commitments to actually physically be at the school. This Crohn's is way too unpredictable especially right now since I'm still trying to get my meds straight.

I'm worried about sitting through ballet classes too and the fact that when they start I'll still be on a high dose of steroids and in very (very, the parent waiting room is tiny) close proximity to a lot of people and children. Must remember to use the hand sanitizer at all times. Less worried about soccer, since that's outside, air circulation is a good thing.

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