Wednesday, February 2, 2011

some knitting

Greta for Baby Girl
I decided to make my kids things this year for occasions when I'd normally go buy them a gift in an effort to quit buying them stuff just for the sake of buying stuff and to reduce my stash (even though I bought new yarn for these projects, just sayin'). Last year for Valentine's day I got my kids build-a-bears all in outfits and accessories (hello $$ x 3). I already got them each a small box of candy and gift bags (Target dollar section). I think it will end up being a cute gift, especially since they are still at the age where it's cool for their mama to make them stuff!

Penelope for Middle Girlie

Here are the two plushies for the girls, I'm working on one for my son too but I don't want to work on it in front of him and he's been out of school now for two days in a row and I think his bed time is too late for me to try to get anything productive done afterward  (9PM). What time should a 9-year-old be going to bed?

Find me on Ravelry!

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