It was raining today, and we were bored. Good start to a story huh? Really what happened was I've been having trouble sleeping (again) and over the past two days I had gotten approx 8 hours of sleep total. I was groggy, and it
was raining but the children had to be entertained! By this time it was 6PM, dinner was done, I was attempting to keep myself awake by stuffing halloween treat bags for Eldest's and Middle Girlie's classes when Baby Girl grabbed these out of my "random bag of hallowen stuff". She loves stickers, by the way, as all two year olds should. So we took some time to decorate the contents of the refridgerator. Simple fun, children's laughter, it was a wonderful evening.
Now please explain to me why at 12:30AM I am still awake? I need to go to bed.
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