and so it goes
Posted by J on Sunday, April 3, 2011. Filed under: ginger ale, illness, legal soda, SCD
I got sick. I'm feeling much better this morning but yesterday was a lost day. I absoutely hate throwing up. Ugh.
I got up this morning and baked myself a batch of bread, and crushed some ice (always always had crushed ice when I was sick) and pouted because I really wanted a ginger ale.
So I googled and I found this recipe for an SCD legal ginger ale and I could not get it made fast enough. You guys, it's awesome. I have a glass beside me right now and I'm trying to pace myself drinking it. I also going to make a pot of ginger and lemon tea and see how that is chilled mixed with seltzer but for now, this stuff is awesome.
The good news is that I had absolutely no Crohn's involvement with this fluish illness. I'm so grateful for that.
April 4, 2011 at 7:18 PM
Hope you get to feeling better soon. :)
April 5, 2011 at 3:42 AM
That ginger soda sounds SO GOOD! I love it because you can adjust the amount of ginger. Regular ginger ale is not gingery enough for me, but buying Ginger Beer that's imported from Australia is so expensive that I only get it occasionally as a treat. It never occurred to me to try to make my own! Thanks for the link. Hope you are feeling better today! =]
April 6, 2011 at 12:27 PM
i'm feeling much better thank you!